Powerful features

We provide you with the tools to reach new audiences, generate high-quality leads and drive your business growth.

Amazon cloud hosting for your documents

Your documents are hosted at Amazon Web Services (AWS). This guarantees 99.9% availability, so your documents are always available, no matter how many readers access a document at the same time.

Ultra-fast document rendering

Creating an online document is surprisingly simple. Just  upload a PDF document to Bote.com with just a few clicks. Titles and tags are automatically read out and can be further edited as required.

Cross-Channel Publishing

With Bote™ you not only get a powerful publishing solution, but you also get the possibility to reach new target groups and readers worldwide digitally. And that on every mobile device.

Multimedia Experiences with Bote™ Power Editor

Multimedia elements, whether link, video, slideshow or sound, can simply be dragged & dropped onto each page and adjusted directly in size and position. If this is too imprecise, you can define your changes at the pixel level.

Unique: The “One-Click Sharing" function

You and your users can share the content of your digital documents on Facebook and other social networks. Of course, you can email a single page or an entire document. Especially on Facebook and Pinterest, each page can be shared.

Optimized content for each device

Our optimization process ensures that your content is always displayed at the right size for the respective device. On smartphones, everything is compressed to a manageable size with no loss of quality, while content on retina screens is full resolution.

Personalized promotional video

Promote your documents with your own video. Decide for yourself which content pages should be presented next to the cover in your video. The created promotional video can be inserted using an embed code.

Your Content for search with Google & Co

If you upload a PDF to the Bote ™ platform, all essential information will be extracted. This way, your content can be read and indexed much  easier and better by search engines compared to conventional PDFs.

We take care of the software maintenance

You don't have to download or install anything, nor do you have to worry about software maintenance. Furthermore, you are not bound to a fixed location. Our software is easily accessible via the browser and is always up to date.

Embedding on your own website

Every document published on Bote ™ can be easily integrated into your own website using the Embed Wizard (HTML code). Background, logo, size and presentation can be adjusted if necessary.

Full control with access settings

Control access to your documents or define individual pages as reading samples. These settings can be used to implement preview workflows, private documents and reading samples with call-to-action elements.

No page limit for your documents

There is no limit to the number of pages of documents. You can upload up to five documents with unlimited pages daily. Even PDF files with a size of 600MB can be processed - a special feature for extensive catalogs.

Download and print function

Offer your readers a PDF for direct download or a print function in the document. Bote™ makes it easy. These functions can be enabled or disabled for each document.

Configurable publication period

With this function, the document will only be visible for a predefined period and will be hidden after the deadline. This is perfect for seasonal documents and special temporary offers.

Precise insights into your own target group

All visits, page views and reader behavior can be recorded and evaluated with Google Analytics. You recognize where your visitors come from and what they read, as well as respond to the interests of your readers.

HD quality for all your text and images

With Bote™, all your content is played back in HD quality - and at lightning speed. Become a customer at Bote™ today and enjoy your documents the way your readers and customers deserve them - in HD quality!

Adjustable zoom factor

Define the zoom factor that the reader of your document can reach with one click. If the zoom factor is set correctly, you can improve the fun and reading experience of your reader many times over. 

Complete white label solution (coming soon)

Use the corporate design (background color, logo, favicon, domain, etc.) of your website or brand. Each product of Bote™ can be provided with your individual design, look and feel.